Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wednesday evening.

Qualche volta il Suburbs in cui vivo non è solo cafonal ma anche bizzarro. Guardavo la vetrina di questa boutique e mi chiedevo cosa spinge a tanto le commesse. Hanno una fantasia che viaggia a propulsione atomica, è evidente. E' altrettanto evidente che la mia fantasia terra-terra è portata a chiedersi cosa si stiano dicendo i due manichini, ho formulato tre ipotesi:
A) Fermati e guarda che ficone  stratosferico!
B) Cielo, reggimi che se guardo come ci hanno conciato svengo!
C) Era un tipo alto più o meno così, l'hai visto?
Simpaticamente vostra, S.
Sometimes the Suburbs I live in is raffish and strange at the same time. I was looking at this boutique window and I asked myself what takes shop assitants to madness. Salespeople have an atomic-powered fantasy, it's evident. It's also evident that my simple fantasy makes me wonder what these mannequins are saying:
A)Stop watching that cool guy!
B) Dammit, hold me or I faint lookin' at the way they have dressed us up!
C) Did you see a guy tall like that?

Similin' yours S.

About the outfit
shoes: Shilla/ trousers: Benetton/ t-shirt: terranova/ bag: vintage/ shirt: Nico Nico


  1. hehe, cute post. It made me laugh. I also really like your outfit, and the casual chicness of it. I'm very glad i found your blog, and am looking forward to more witty posts in the future.
    Would you like to FOLLOW each other!?
    Let me know by following and commenting, and i'll do the same for you!


  2. Hey! Thanks for the comment and for following! I'm following back now!


  3. Interesting post! Mad eme giggle haa..
    I am from suburbia to and me personally
    I hate it! EW! lol..

    I followed your blog!
    hope you follow back!!..


    check out my blog to :)


  4. check out the Raisaland and follow if you like!
    have a great week!

  5. I have followed back:D
